Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Sin City

Rodriguez has done it. He has reached the pinnacle of a genre. Sin City is the ultimate comic book movie. It is a stunning, shocking, sublime work of genius.

It recalls Pulp Fiction's non-linear structure and unflinching brutality, but is much more ambitious in it's look and style. And it's not just the black and white/color thing. Rodriguez has realized the promise of digital technology by crafting his world to look and act exactly as he wants it too. Things that were once only possible in the imagination are laid before our eyes on the big screen. For instance, in the real world, there are limits to how fast a car can go in a limited space, but not in Sin City.

And the acting is nothing to sneeze at. So Bruce Willis isn't exactly stretching, but Micky Rourke manages to make is murderous brute not just tolerable, but downright lovable- an accomplishment for what his character is out there doing. Clive Owen smolders with the best of them alongside a feisty and powerful Rosario Dawson. And look closely- that's Benicio Del Toro as the ill-fated Jack.

Okay, is it perfect? No. The three main stories are only marginally connected to each other. Oh yeah, and Jessica Alba had a no-nudity clause in her contract.

Nonetheless, this sinful delight is a beacon guiding us through the mediocrity of normal April cinema fare.


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