Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Lost in Cyberspace

In a remarkable instance of pan-media marketing, the folks in charge of marketing for the hit TV show Lost have begun to string together a game, nay an online puzzle- one might even call it... The Lost Experience!

This venture was launched in an appropriate way: during last week's show, there was a TV commercial during a break for The Hanso Foundation, including a toll-free number. When called, the number gives you a password for the web site (see title link). The website gives you information and documents relating to the fictional company behind the Lost Island's Dharma Institute. Dizzy yet?

Well apparently, the cross promotional possibilities of this 'experience' are beginning to be leveraged. Today, we discovered that the Sprite ad in the hold music for The Hanso Foundation's phone number leads you to a Sprite website which eventually gives you another password for The Hanso Foundation. Also today, ad space was purchased in major metropolitan newspapers in the name of The Hanso Foundation, decrying the supposed lies contained about the company in Bad Twin, the book by 'Gary Troup,' the manuscript of which was on Oceanic Flight 815, and is now being read by Sawyer on the show.

If you want to play along, you can start by calling the number (877)HANSORG. If you need help (I can't imagine you won't), check out thelostexperienceclues.blogspot.com. Happy experiencing!


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