Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fun with derivitives!

They say there's nothing new under the sun. I think, perhaps, that the writing team behind Mission: Impossible III took this proverb to heart. "Since there's no origniality anyway," I imagine them saying "we may as well not think of any new ideas for this movie!"

Granted, it's a movie based on a 60's TV show, so pehaps it is unfair of me to expect so much. But seriously, when you're movie is merely 1 parts True Lies, and 1 part Alias, the latter being created by the co-writer and director of this movie, you're not even trying.

That being said, it was a fun ride. Even though I can't look at Tom Cruise anymore without thinking about his media antics, he still commands the screen, and shows why he's the big star that he is. The action is intense- if anything, the action is too intense, you never really get a chance to process the story. On second thought, maybe that was intentional. But it does get a bit exhausting to watch Mr. Cruise's character run at full speed in every single scene.

There is a bright spot, and it is Phillip Seymore Hoffman's villian. I'm not a huge PSH fan, but this character's non-chalant cruelty and complete badassness is amazingly effective. In this one character, the lack of story and originality is absolved. He creates tension when he's not even on screen, because you know how powerful he is.

So if you're looking for a popcorn summer thrill ride, M:i:III may be for you. If you're looking for a truly scary villian, this movie is definately for you. If you're looking for something original and intellectually stimulating, stay home and watch Lost.


At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know i'm in the minority, but i don't like "lost"... i find it overly dramatic, and the characters quite unbelievable... granted i only watched the first season (which i had to force myself to finish) but i couldn't see it getting any better... i'll agree it's original, but it just doesn't work imo...


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